Exhibition Plans

Standard Plan(Raw Space only) 1Space:33m=9m2

Fee············································································ 517,000JPY / space

Early Bird Discount Fee (available until April 11, 2025·················· 462,000JPY / space


3 accounts / space


30-minute Presentation
in Exhibition Hall
275,000 JPY / 30 mins.
Additional Partnering Account
88,000 JPY / account

Trial Plan 1Booth:22m=4m2

*For First-time exhibitors only

Fee································································ 418,000JPY / booth


Package booth(4m²)
Click here for details
1 account / booth


30-minute Presentation
in Exhibition Hall
181,500 JPY / 30 mins.
Additional Partnering
88,000 JPY / account

Startup Plan1Booth:22m=4m2

*For Companies established within 10 years only

Fee································································ 319,000JPY/ booth


Package booth(4m²)
Click here for details
2 accounts / booth


30-minute Presentation
in Exhibition Hall
121,000 JPY / 30 mins.
Additional Partnering Account
88,000 JPY / account

Participants List
Academic Package1Booth:22m=4m2

*For Universities/Tech Transfer only

Fee································································ 220,000JPY / booth

※If you only require an exhibition booth (and no presentation), the total fee is :165,000JPY/ 1booth


Package Booth(4m²)
Click here for details
2 accounts / booth
30-minute Presentation


Additional University Booth
※includes 1 account
88,000 JPY / booth
Additional Partnering Account
88,000 JPY / account
Additional 30-minute Presentation
77,000 JPY /30 mins.

Meeting Booth in Partnering Area  1Booth:33m=9m2

Fee································································ 786,500JPY / booth


Package Booth(10.5m²)
Click here for details
4 accounts / booth

2025 Schedule

April 11th

Early Bird Discount
Deadline for Exhibiting

May 31st

Exhibitor Application


Partnering System Open

September 1st

Partnering Early Bird
Discount Deadline

October 8-10th

Exhibition Date


Booth Location

When will the floor layout be released?

Can we choose our booth location?

How are booth locations determined?

Does the application timing affect the booth location?

Can we choose the open sides of the booth?


How many exhibitor badges can we receive?

How can we receive the exhibitor badges?

Preparation for Exhibition

What is the process after submitting the exhibition application? 。

When is the reception party?

Can we rent necessary items such as chairs and tables for the exhibition?

When can we learn about the setup and dismantling schedule?

Can you introduce companies for transportation, construction, and interpretation services?

Exhibition Plans

How can we apply?

Are partnering accounts included in the exhibition plan?

Are there any sponsorship menus available?

What is the process after applying for a seminar or presentation?

How are seminar and presentation slots determined?